Gordon - AFI Short Film, 2022

Director: MC Plaschke Producers: Jim Bulluck and Corrine McGarey Screenwriter: Jake Curtis Cinematographer: Sharon Pulwer Editor: Abbey Letizia Production Designer: Paige Schaeffer

Gordon is content with the way he has lived his life, but as he nears 75 he finds himself alone. Everyday he goes for a walk to his favorite coffee cart, but this time, Gordon finds himself outside an odd arcade. As he ventures in, there is a glowing claw machine that is calling his name. In the claw machine, among the stuffed animals, he finds himself a real live kitten. Gordon tries his best to win himself a friend, as he didn’t know how much he needed one, but ends up failing. As someone else wins the kitten, a new cat - bigger, grumpier, and older- is placed in the machine. Gordon realizes that this cat, for him, is the perfect fit. Using his last coin, Gordon gets to bring his new friend back home.


Into The Neon Deep


Sequester, Season 4